Wednesday, August 19, 2009
5 Way to Feel More Beautiful and Attract Love
No matter what society determines as being attractive, I believe everyone is beautiful in their own way. They key is that you must feel good inside to really express that beautiful self out in the world. Here are some simple ways to access authentic beauty in the world and in your heart:
1. Appreciate those you love. Thank someone in your life for something nice they did for you or just being in your world.
2. Take time to look at nature every day. There is a perfection in the balance of the earth, plants and animals that are unmatched by synthetic substitutes.
3. Daily meditation. Quieting your noisy, mostly negative mind can bring in a lightness and silence that heals the rough edges of your perception of yourself and your life.
4. Wear bright colors. The clothes you wear can make an impact on how good you feel. Clothing that is too tight, too loose or torn can drag down your confidence. Dress in the way that makes you express your best.
5. Engage in a healthy lifestyle. Eat nutritious foods that make you feel better about your body. Take time each day to move your body and thank your body for all that it does for you.
Instead of spending tons of money on expensive creams, plastic surgery or designer clothes, these ideas can be implemented with little or no financial investment and will give you greater results. You will truly feel more beautiful from the inside out.
Tuesday, August 18, 2009
Understand LOVE
This article discusses essential characteristics of love. You will connect to these and connect to your soul mates.
Love is discovery: Love is the process of finding oneself in other eyes. It is about realizing your self-esteem in folks who have care for you.
Love is giving: Love is giving and expecting no return favor. Control is not the hallmark of love. Love needs no calculation to get love back.
Love is becoming: True love exists when you do not have to blame or explain, you just feel and connect.
Love is doing: You can either love what you do or do what you love. Any other combination will fail.
Love is demonstrating: A solicited love will fail. A demonstrated love will win. Those who are able to demonstrate their love without intruding in the space of
others get love back. Love is cooperation: The only way to win love and respect is to kill greed and cooperate for common goals.
Love is sacrifice: Love demands only one sacrifice and that is to love what you love more than anybody or anything else.
Love is blessing: Fear kills fear. Might kills right. Love wins all.
Love is correction: Punishment ensures you follow a set process. Love ensures you connect to the process. The results of punishment are immediate but divisive.
The results of love, though delayed, are sure and uniting.
Love is self-respect: To love your love, you need to love yourself. Without self-confidence, there is no love.
Love is direction: Lost in love, lost in life. Love connects to others; any other feeling stays mechanical.
Love is work: Love your work because nobody else should.
Love is creation: Love creates. It will make you what you want to be.
Keep loving!! It creates, refines and defines life.
Monday, August 17, 2009
29 way to keep your relationship turned up
1. Treat your partner as you would your boss, best friend, or best customer.
2. Think about what your partner wants and give it to him or her.
3. Think of ways you can do the unexpected and be thoughtful. Remember how you acted when you wanted to win your partner over.
4. Pay attention to your appearance. Dress nicely; get into shape.
5. Express your thoughts carefully. Being married doesn’t give anyone permission to let it all hang out.
6. Spend regular time together alone.
7. Look for ways to compliment your partner.
8. Hug when you say hello and goodbye. It feels good and it makes people feel loved.
9. Learn and practice communication skills. Relating successfully to another person requires a set of skills that can be learned.
10. Be polite. Just because you are married doesn’t mean you can forget your manners.
11. When you want something, say please.
12. When your partner does something for you, say thank you.
13. When your partner comes home after a day at work, greet her at the door and say hello. Ask how her day went.
14. When your partner leaves for work in the morning, say goodbye and “I love you” or “Have a good day.”
15. When your partner faces a challenge at work during the day, ask how it went when you get home.
16. During your evening meal together, avoid the temptation to watch television or read the paper or mail. Look at your partner and have a conversation.
17. If you want to make plans that affect how your partner will be spending time, check with him first and make sure it’s convenient.
18. When you ask your partner a question, make eye contact and listen to the answer.
19. When you disagree with something your partner says, pay attention to your response. Do you express your opinion without putting her down? You can express your opinion assertively rather than aggressively. For example, you can say, “I have another opinion. I think we should wait until spring to have the walls painted,” rather than, “That’s silly! We should wait until spring.”
20. Pay attention to how much of your side of the conversation is asking questions versus making statements. If you tend to be the dominant one, ask more questions.
21. Ask open-ended questions to encourage your partner to open up and talk. Open-ended questions begin like this:
1. Tell me about...
2. What do you think of...
3. What was it like when...
22. Have you become passive with your partner because that’s the easiest way to avoid conflict? Over time, this is not a good idea. You will inevitably begin to build up feelings of resentment because you are stifling your feelings, thoughts, and opinions. If you think you are choosing passive behavior too often, think about discussing it with your partner and asking him to help you be more assertive.
23. Researchers have found that people whose marriages last the longest have learned to separate from their families of origin (their own parents and siblings) and have appropriate, healthy boundaries. They value and honor their own privacy and separateness as a couple. This means they have regular, appropriate contact with their extended family, but that it is not excessive or stifling. How do you compare?
24. Check your communication with your partner and beware of using “You” messages. These are statements that begin with you. For example:
You need to come home by 6:00 tonight.
You shouldn’t do that.
You should call me from the office and tell me when you’ll be home.
Here is what you ought to do.
“You” messages are damaging because they make the other person feel bad or disrespected. It feels like you are talking down to him or her.
25. If you want to demonstrate to your partner that you respect and esteem him or her, try speaking with “I” messages instead. When you start your statement with “I,” you are taking responsibility for the statement. It is less blameful and less negative than the “you” message.
You can use this formula: Your feelings + Describe the behavior + Effect on you. This is how an “I” message sounds: When I heard that you’d planned a weekend up north, I was confused about why you hadn’t asked me first, so I could be sure to get the time off. It takes some practice and you have to stop and think about what you are going to say, but your marriage deserves to be handled with care.
26. Make a list of your partner’s positive qualities. Share them with him and tell her why you think each is true.
27. Ask your partner to do the same for you.
28. Respect each other’s private space. Over time, many couples let this slide.
29. As the years pass, many couples begin to feel like they are living in the same house, but have parallel lives. Their paths cross in fewer places. What is the trend in your relationship and what do you want to do about it?
Menapause : A Metamorphosis
There was nothing inside. Well, nothing recognisable, anyway.
I later learned that after its cocoon is sealed and hardened, a caterpillar slowly disintegrates. It melts into a kind of sludge. Eventually, some time during winter, from out of this sludge of undifferentiated cells, a butterfly begins to form.
Nobody warned me that menopause is a lot like that. Maybe it is as well they didn't. After all, how do you go on feeling smart, sexy, capable, confident and all-round good about yourself if you know you are gradually turning into sludge? It probably doesn't bother a caterpillar, but it certainly bothered me heaps. Because you cannot come apart without feeling it. And if you are anything like me, you cannot be aware of the coming apart process without panicking. So I panicked.
My pre-menstrual syndrome was no longer pre- anything. It was most of the month, with a few good days scattered here and there like islands in a large ocean. My normally sharp thought processes were going blunt so alarmingly fast that I thought I was getting Alzheimer's. In place of a brain, I now seemed to have what felt like a wodge of thick cotton wool. Worst of all, my libido was going through the floor.
No-one had warned me about any of that.
My mother had sailed through menopause – or so she said – with no symptoms at all except that her periods stopped one day when she was fifty-five and never came back. That was it. End of story. Not even one hot flush. All my friends were the same age as me or younger. There was no-one to reassure me.
It was the mid-1980s, and the 'medical model' ruled. HRT was rapidly becoming the flavour of the month. But I was an alternative, vegetarian, health nut sort of a person and I instinctively recoiled from the idea of messing with my hormones. I decided to tough it out.
The more I thought about it, though, the more I started wondering if I could do more than simply tough it out. What if I went consciously, willingly into the cocoon and really felt what it was like to be a caterpillar coming unglued? What better way to find out what happens in there than to go in, wide awake and wondering? I felt like one of those early explorers, heading into the jungle with no map. And since I had been unable to find any decent maps, maybe I would make my own. All I had was one small fragment. It was something written by the novelist, Ursula LeGuin.
She wrote:
' seems a pity to have a built-in rite of passage and to dodge it, evade it, and pretend nothing has changed. That is to dodge and evade one's womanhood, to pretend one's like a man. Men, once initiated, never get a second chance. They never change again.. That's their loss, not ours. Why borrow poverty?'
A rite of passage? A second chance? This might be the weirdest journey of my life.
In some ways it was. Especially because, on the outside, I was trying to keep my 'normal' life together, while this other stuff was happening on the inside. I was presenting my habitual face to the world, then dashing home to write in my journal, analyse my dreams, meditate, and spend a lot of time just sitting quietly (or crying).
Hot flashes happened, wherever I was. So on the outside, I just made jokes about it like everyone else, took my jacket on and off, fanned my face and drank lots of cold water. On the inside, I was saying to myself: "Steady, girl. You're doing fine. This is how it feels to melt like a caterpillar." That way, each hot flush, rather than being a pesky nuisance, was a transformational process, bringing me one step closer to my new, butterfly self. But would that new self ever emerge?
My periods stopped. After I had not had one for a while, I started to regret that I hadn't marked their ending with some sort of ritual. But how can you mark the last of something if you don't know it is the last? When I realised that I would never see my own menstrual blood again, that thought made me inexplicably sad. Yes, I, too, had often referred to it as 'the curse.' But it was part of my womanliness, for all that. Now it was over. So I had to grieve.
In fact, I did bleed again, a few months later. So this time, I did a ritual, smearing some of the blood on a white seashell and putting it on my meditation altar in a gesture of reverence for what had been such an integral part of my life. After that, I felt different. As though I had turned a corner.
During that long time in the 'cocoon' of menopause, I discovered that there were many things which needed to be consciously mourned and let go: my ability to bear more children, my youthful looks, my sexual juiciness and so on. There was a lot of work to do. And as I let go of these old definitions of myself, I had no idea what would take their place. It was as though I had to clear the space, first. So sometimes, it was scary.
What helped me the most was the fact that I was documenting the process. The same spirit of scientific curiosity that had prompted my six-year old self to smash that chrysalis and peer inside was now leading me to study my own transformational process and to write about it. And because I was doing some postgraduate work in psychology at that time, as well as having a clinical practice where many of my clients were mid-life women, I was able to study not just my own process but that of other women also, and to write my thesis on it. By then, I had become so fascinated with the whole thing that I went on and turned the thesis into a book.
I was fifty-five years old. A whole new energy seemed to be stirring within me. With the publication of that first book, it felt as though I was entering a completely new phase of my life. (I never dreamed, back then, that I would later go on to write several more books, including one about the post-menopausal life).
Come the day of the book launch, I felt nervous. I had invited everybody I knew. Friends, relations, acquaintances, colleagues – the room was full of people, all from different compartments of my life. It's a weird feeling when those hitherto watertight compartments come together and people from very different parts of one's life are all tipped out into one, large room. I felt decidedly nervous – even a little bit foolish.
Some close friends had devised a ritual that would not only mark the publication of the book but would be my 'croning', my official rite of passage into the third phase of my life. They had incense and candles and all sorts of hippie things. Here were colleagues in suits and ties who had only ever seen the professional outside of me, yet here I was, making public those strange and sludgy internal processes of my menopause. I felt like running away and hiding.
But it was too late. The candles were lit. The ritual began.
My daughter sang a song in my honour. My friends crowned me with flowers and gave me a cauldron to hold. Finally, I was declared a crone.
The people all clapped.
I walked to the front of the platform, looked at the sea of faces, took a deep breath and made my first speech as a crone, or elderwoman. They all cheered.
The first person to come up to me afterwards was a man in a suit – one of the sales reps for the company handling the book's distribution. He thanked me, saying that it was by far the most beautiful book launch he had ever been to. He asked me to sign a copy of the book for his wife. He had tears in his eyes. I was utterly amazed.
That was when I realised I had wings.
© Marian Van Eyk McCain 2007
Monday, June 15, 2009
Perfume Paradise - The Best Perfume
- Set pati minyak wangi berkualiti tinggi yang diimport
- Tahan lama dan ia bukan spray tetapi pati perfume (oil-based)
- Bauan minyak wangi telah diinspirasikan dari bauan minyak wangi berjenama terkenal yang berada di pasaran
- Semua pati minyak wangi ini adalah HALAL dan bebas dari alkohol
- Ia dikeluarkan dalam 5 set iaitu GOLD dan SILVER untuk Lelaki dan set DIAMOND, EMERALD serta SAPPHIRE untuk Wanita
- Setiap set mengandungi 6 jenis bauan yang diisi didalam botol berkuantiti 3ml setiap satu
- Untuk memudahkan penggunaannya, semua botol dilengkapi dengan bebola (roller)
- Cukup MURAH!! Hanya RM32.00 Semenanjung dan RM35.00 Sabah & Sarawak
- Haruman Escape oleh Calvin Klein
- Haruman Pleasure oleh Estee Lauder
- Haruman Baby Doll oleh Yves Saint Lauren
- Haruman Cool Water for Women oleh Davidoff
- Haruman Rush oleh Gucci
- Haruman No. 5 oleh Channel
- Haruman Sunflower Red oleh Elizabeth Arden
- Haruman J'adorey oleh Dior
- Haruman CK Be oleh Calvin Klein
- Haruman Women Boss oleh Hugo Boss
- Haruman Poeme oleh Lancome
- Haruman Coco Mademaoiselle oleh Channel
- Haruman Burberry oleh Burberry
- Haruman Contradiction oleh Calvin Klein
- Haruman Fantasy oleh Britney Spears
- Haruman Just Me oleh Paris Hilton
- Haruman Apple Blossom oleh Body Shop
- Haruman BLV Woman oleh Bvlgari
- Haruman Blue Jeans oleh Gianni Versace
- Haruman CK One oleh Calvin Klein
- Haruman Polo Sport oleh Ralph Lauren
- Haruman Hugo Men oleh Hugo Boss
- Haruman Tuscany per Uomo oleh Aramis
- Haruman Allure Pour Homme oleh Channel
- Haruman Tommy Boy oleh Tommy Hilfiger
- Haruman Desire oleh Dunhill
- Haruman Instinct oleh David Beckham
- Haruman Valentino oleh Valentino
- Haruman Polo Black oleh Ralph Lauren
- Haruman Boss in Motion oleh Hugo Boss
Tuesday, May 19, 2009
Dark Chocolate - A Healthy Snack Option
Chocolate....12 billion people eat chocolate every day. It is considered a treat, a dessert, even a guilty pleasure. But is it really that bad for you? The evidence is coming in daily that disputes that thought. Many studies are finding that dark chocolate can actually be very good for you. That's right, eating the right kind of dark chocolate can have many beneficial effects on your body. The reason for this is because dark chocolate contains a high amount of antioxidants in it. Here are just a few of the health benefits:
- Helps in lowering your blood pressure
- Protects the body from the effects of free radicals
- Contains serotonin which acts as an antidepressant
- Helps in lowering your cholesterol by reducing the amount of LDL cholesterol
There are a few things to keep in mind though when selecting a "healthy" chocolate. Chocolate that is highly processed and alkalinized may contain:
- High amounts of sugar
- High amounts of fat and fillers
- Low amounts of antioxidants
Therefore, knowing what is in the dark chocolate you are eating, and how it is processed is a must, if you want to eat it for the health benefits. It has been shown that heating the chocolate during the processing actually destroys the antioxidants. Hence, you will want to eat chocolate that is cold-pressed when processed. This type of chocolate will retain the highest amounts of antioxidants and be the most beneficial to your body. One such chocolate is Xocai, manufactured by MXI Corp. They disclose that they use a cold-pressed, non-alkalinized process in creating their chocolate. They have also stated that this chocolate is low in fat and made with a complex sugar, rather than highly processed and refined white sugar. Another important thing to consider.
All in all, it is clear that dark chocolate does have health benefits that make it a worthy dessert. Moderation is also the key. Just as in anything you eat, too much of it can outweigh the health benefits so use your best judgment.
Author: John Lovell is an avid sportsman and advocate for healthy living.
Tips for Maintaining Friendships
Friendships are incredibly special things. Friends can be as close to you as family, and good friends will stand by you even when you are experiencing the darkest of times. A solid, trusting friendship is something to be valued and appreciated at all costs, but it can be difficult sometimes to keep friendships healthy and thriving.
People move away from one another, lives change, and sometimes distances can grow even between the closest of friends. Friendships are like plants in a way: they take time and care in order to stay healthy and happy. It doesn't matter if you have been friends for three months or thirty years; you can benefit from the following tips on how to keep the friendships in your life strong.
Keep in touch. You know that cheesy saying that you wrote in everyone's yearbooks in middle school and high school? Take it on as a mantra for your friendships and you can ensure that you will remain a strong presence in your friends' lives. Make time for one another, and take time to connect. If you are fortunate enough to live in the same city, schedule in weekly or bi-weekly coffee or cocktail dates where you can keep each other up to speed about what is going on in your lives.
This may seem like a stretch when so many of us are busy with so many other things, but nothing lets a friendship die more quickly than neglect. If you live in separate states or even countries, schedule times to talk on the phone. E-mail is a great way to keep in touch regularly as well, but phone calls are a bit more personal. Not only will making time for one another keep you updated on one another's lives, but it will give you some possibly much needed alone time with your pals and with no other obligations.
Be a good listener. As simple as this sounds, many people are not very good listeners. Yes, they may be sitting there and nodding their heads as someone is speaking, but are they really hearing what is being said? To be a good listener, truly focus on what the other person is saying. Don't start thinking about what you are going to talk about when it's your turn or how you are going to respond-wait until your friend is done sharing, ask follow-up questions and repeat back some of the things they said so the other person feels heard. This is a great practice for romantic relationships but it works wonders in maintaining friendships as well.
Communicate. No matter how close the friendship, there will come a time when you have a disagreement. It is inevitable, you bicker, someone says something hurtful and the next thing you know you are storming off in a huff, vowing to find some better friends who understand you better. A friendship can quickly die if words go unsaid, so communicating through an argument is important to keeping your friendships healthy.
Take some time apart to cool down before you talk again, and really try to look at both sides of the argument. Be honest about what you are thinking and feeling, and try not to go on the defensive when your friend tells you how they are feeling. Although it's not always easy, communication in times of upset only serves to make friendships stronger.
Be supportive. It is incredibly hurtful when you take a path in life and those around you don't support your decisions. As tough as it can be, try and unconditionally support your friends. If you think they are being harmful to themselves or others, that would be a time to speak up and step in, but in most cases, support and encouragement is a wonderful way to ensure that friendships grow and thrive. Knowing you have your friends standing behind your decisions and actions is a wonderful, empowering feeling, and one you should try to give to others as well.
Leigh Maher researches and writes about Celtic jewelry, and specialises in Celtic wedding rings, engagement rings and bridal jewelry. Click here for more information about diamond Claddagh ring.
Article Source:
10 Tips Anger Management & Conflict Resolution in Relationship
Conflict and disagreement are inevitable in relationships. Anger is a natural emotion, and disagreements can be healthy sign of difference. Conflict usually occurs because certain needs are not being met - either within the relationship or outside or it. The object of conflict management is to ask for those needs to be met in a way that does not damage your relationship.
Here are some tips that may be useful to manage anger and reduce conflict.
1. TAKE TIME-OUTS. Disagreements are best dealt with when both parties are in a non-aroused state. Whenever possible, take a time-out to calm your body down. Techniques include breathing, relaxation & visualisation (see separate self-help guide). Strong emotions of anger, grief or anxiety do not make it easy for us to access our rational faculties and so there is little benefit of trying to address disagreements in this condition - it often just escalates into insults and unintentional dagger-throwing. Both of you should respect each other's need for a time-out; it's not running away from the issue, but preparing yourself to deal with it in more receptive mode.
2. REFLECT INTERNALLY. Check in on yourself and ask yourself what you think the issue is about. Ask yourself what part you are playing in this - are you misinterpreting what your partner has said? Are you in a bad mood from something else? Are you being reasonable here? Ask yourself if you think it is an issue that is important enough to stand your ground on - can you let this go without resentment or do you need to ask your partner for something? Sometimes we argue out of habit and because it connects us (even though it is negative, at least we both get attention). Ask yourself whether you really need to take up this issue. If so, think about what exactly you need to ask for.
3. EXPLAIN. Avoid presuming that your partner should know what is wrong. Empathy is an elusive concept - it is nearly impossible for another person to truly know what you are experiencing and to give you what you want. It useful if you can ask for what you need.
4. TAKE PERSPECTIVE. There is sometimes great temptation to elevate the stakes in an argument. Threats and ultimatums are damaging to the ego and chip away at the whole of the relationship. Thus, try and keep the argument to the specific issue rather than make the whole relationship at risk. Avoid 'if you do this one more time...' 'I can't take this any more, I'm leaving'... Each of you should know that however unpleasant this disagreement is, it will not touch the relationship. If the relationship is to end, it should be decided separately to a heated argument.
5. TRY TO PERSONALIZE. The conversation is best approached from a personal angle, rather than blaming your partner. If your partner hears criticism he/she will want to defend himself/herself rather than address the issue. Try and use 'I feel...', 'It hurts me when...', 'I would really like it if...', rather than 'you make me feel...', 'when you do that....'. Try also to avoid generalization such as 'you always do that..', 'you never think...' - it is certainly hurtful and is usually inaccurate.
6. OWN UP TO MISTAKES. It is not a weakness to accept that you have acted out of line. Owning up to faults and mistakes is helpful to both parties, so long as it is not done out of martyrdom or for manipulative effect. Apologising early can save a lot of unnecessary conflict.
7. INCLUDE SOMETHING POSITIVE. When putting your point across, it brings good results if you can refer to something positive as well. The discussion is unlikely to be rosy, but if you can draw on aspects that you do like, it will make your partner less tense and combative. Putting across negative points in a humorous way can also work. Humour doesn't mean your partner is trivialising the issue, rather it makes it easier for him/her to confront an issue.
8. FOCUS ON THE PRESENT. By clinging to the painful memory of a past event (no matter how distressing it was) you are impeded from living in the present. You are entitled to a period of grieving and are allowed to make your needs clear to your partner. Long-held resentment will tarnish a relationship. Try not to use past events as ammunition. Even though it might be a recurring issue, the current disagreement should address the here and now.
9. AIM TO BE HAPPY, NOT TO BE RIGHT. The purpose of approaching conflict is to get to maximum results for both of you. When you argue to win (by point-scoring), the gain is short-term and mostly leaves you feeling worse. When you argue to ask for your needs to be met, it is still unpleasant, but you are working to building better conditions for both of you.
10. AGREE TO DISAGREE. You are entitled to ask your partner to help meet your needs, but you are not in the business of getting your partner to come around to seeing the world as you do. It is fruitless to try to convert them to your philosophy of life. Differences should be embraced - including different sets of interests and activities. Finally, it is not up to your partner to fulfil all of your needs, they also have to be met internally and with other people (family, friends).
The above tips represent a set of tools for handling anger management and conflict in relationships. They are not easy to incorporate, but with practice, your relationship will hopefully improve. It does not substitute for a professional consultation with a qualified psychotherapist or counsellor. If you or your partner's anger escalates into physical or emotional abuse, then it is strongly advised that you seek help from a third party or external organisation.
Teknik Bersolek
tips :: boleh guna jari, berus ataupun span utk sapuan foundation atau pun eyeshadow
1. pastikan muka bersih dari air peluh dan minyak... maknanya, setiap kali nak start bersolek, kena la cuci muka dulu kan....
kenapa kena bersih? sbb kalau ada minyak sikit pun, mekap tak akan bertahan lama....
ada petua guna ais... tu kalau rajin, buat la sebelum tidur... tu sebenarnya teknik massage muka... bila muka kita sihat dan segar, tenyeh apa barang pun nampak cantik
2. dah bersih... pilih foundation.... foundation ada banyak jenis....
- two way cake
- compact
- liquid
- stick berkrim disukai ramai
tips bagi orang yg kuat bermekap :: wajib rajin cuci muka DENGAN BETUL dan WAJIB pakai mask seminggu sekali sekurang2nya coz alat solek ni byk chemicals... jangan tua sebelum waktunya
3. dah pilih foundation, apa lagi... sapu la... sapu dgn jari pun boleh, span pun boleh, berus pun boleh.... tapi Lynnda prefer guna span coz kalau jari dah kotor, alamak, satu hal nak cuci tangan lagi.. dah tu kalau salah pegang , abih comot balik muka
Tips sapuan :: elakkan sapuan ke bawah... kalau nak awet tua... buat la gitu... kalau nak awet muda, buat sapuan ke atas atau ke luar ke arah kanan atau kiri.. sapa2 belajar facial, teknik ini turut di amalkan utk kekal muda... kalau ada butik facial yg buat sapuan ke bawah, korang toksah la pegi lagi butik tu... diorang tak tere lagi main hantam keromo jer...
Tips sapuan foundation sekitar mata :: sapuan dari luar ekor mata ke dalam secara membulat..
contohnya... depangkan tangan dan angkat ketiak... pastikan keadaan tapak tangan flat antara seperti melekap kat breast.. keadaan tersebut bawa ke bahagian mata....buat secara bulatan dari luar ekor mata sehingga ke pelupuk mata... bhgn celah bedah yg ada bulu mata tu pun letak.. jgn tak letak.. mata kita byk garis2... so, kena cover...
sapu foundation dgn kemas kalau nak output cantik.... utk siang elok guna compact atau two way atau liquid.. utk function, elok guna cream stick atau liquid yg tebal...
Lupa nak kabor.. Tips pilih foundation ...
haaa.. ni ramai dok tanya masa dalam kelas...
korang kalau nak beli online, perlu diingat, gambar kat online tak sama dgn gambar bila dah melekat kat kulit... so... cara terbaik... beli dan test on the spot.. lain ler kalau korang mmg dah kenal sgt kod2 nya
lokasi terbaik utk test adalah di wajah... bukan di tangan, bukan di kaki, bukan di dada
sebabnya.... tangan kita ni mmg akan gelap dari muka ... sesetengah orang beruntung ada yg sama tone satu badan.. so tak dapek nak nolong coz lynnda sendiri tangan itam, muka cerah...
masa test tu.. buang la existing make-up.. kang pening pala tak nampak
warna terbaik adalah warna yg sebijik sama 99.9% dgn warna kulit.... tapi mostly sebagai wanita, dia tak nak dilihat lebih gelap... mostly suka lebih cerah dari warna asal... soooo.. up to you... you yg nak pakai kan...
setelah berkecimpung dalam bidang solek menyolek selama hampir 5 tahun, lynnda dapati, kulit wanita Asia esp Malaysian, lebih kepada warna cerah kekuningan... kalau area pantai timur, lebih kepada cerah keputihan/kemerahan... ada beza yg ketara...
4. dah abih foundation... pening nak pk nak buat apa kan?
haaa.... Tipsnya utk jgn mudah lupa :: mula dari atas ke bawah... cuba tengok muka kita... apa di atas dan apa di bawah? atas ialah dahi, diikuti kening, mata, hidung, pipi, bibir dan dagu kan?
selain nak elakkan lupa... ia membantu membersihkan muka dari comot.... contohnya... konon dah siap lipstik dan blusher... tiba2 baru nak buat eyeshadow dan mascara... konon la mascara atau eyeshadow comot... tertumpah betul2 kat bhgn pipi... haaaa.... camno nak buek? satu hal nak padam comot tu... pastu nak buat balik blusher ... huwaaaaaaaaa.... masa sudah suntuk... laki dah bising2 bini tak siap mekap lagikkk.... babai jer la...
soooo... lukih la kat kening dulu.... utk kening yg tak nak cukur... ada macam2 cara leh buat... dalam kelas, lynnda ada ajar cara nak lukih kening yg tebal dan kening yg nipis....
Tips terbaik utk kening :: gunakanlah pensel kening warna coklat kehitaman utk lukih kening... jgn le pilih warna itam coz warna itam akan nampak muka garang... dah ler mekap macam hapa kannn.. sekali kening...mak kau.... garang... org tengok geli perut... sooo... nak menten simple dan ala2 tak mekap tapi nak mekap... gunakan lah warna coklat kehitaman... kalau coklat merah.. boleh juga... tapi itu asoh asoh suka pakai maaa... manyak onngggg....
cara solekan guna pensil... start dari tengah kening... BUKAN dari pangkal kening yg dekat dgn batang idung tu.... tu kalau tak reti la.. kalau yg jenih tere.. pejam mata pun boleh buat.... lukih satu calit... then gunakan berus utk kening nampak asli dan bukan mcm lukih dgn pen artline... nak buat ekor kening terjungkit??? ada cara dia.... cara pegang pensil kena betul... fuhhh... cemana akak nak tunjuk ekkk.... humang aiiii.... bukan pakai pensil kalau nak jungkit2 tu... pakai berus senget
berus mekap.. make-up brushes
tengok tu... baru sikit... korang kalau tengok yg satu kotak punya berus mmg pitam nak paham
yg Lynnda maksudkan dengan berus senget ialah berus no 6 ... nampak tak... dia senget.. sebelah pendek sebelah tinggi... berus ni cantik buat ekor kening... nak vogue cam ashwarya rai ke ahkak ziana ker... inilah dia.. hasil nya tak sama kalau lukih guna pensil betul...
kepantangan Lynnda kalau guna berus... satu berus letak seratus warna kat dia... elok2 mata nak kaler biru, udah jadi merah hijau serupa pelangi.... sampai tak tau dah warna apa
so... nak selamat kan muka anda... satu berus SATU WARNA SAHAJA
5. dah siap kening? nak tau cantik ke tak... tengok cermin la... apa lagi... jgn ada tinggi rendah
dah sudah kening, buat la eyeshadow...
tau tak apa dia eyeshadow dan apa dia highlight?
ramai tak tau... sebab tu Lynnda tanya... masih ramai yg tak faham konsep eyeshadow dan juga highlight
meh lynnda citer...
= warna putih, krim dan kuning kilat SAHAJA.. yg BERKILAT sahaja
= lokasi sapuan.. bawah tulang kening SAHAJA
= macam2 warna ikut suka... kilat ke tak kilat ke ikut suka
= lokasi sapuan, sekitar mata... ikut suka mana2 yg cantik
= teknik sapuan terglemer sekali -->> SMOKEY Eyes...
teknik yg susah sekali -->> SOCKET Eyes...
teknik yg orang tak penah tau -->> KELOPAK....
teknik yg orang selalu buat tanpa kira nama -->> TEKNIK WIPER HUJAN
cara cucian yg gemar pakai KRYOLAN :
1. cuci dgn baby oil dan baby wipes... kombinasi 2 item ni membantu buang mekap dgn cepat dan pantas dan betul... cuci sebanyak minima 5 keping baby wipes... nak guna makeup remover pun tak salah tapi ni kalau korang mmg byk duit la... coz makeup remover mahal
2. dah bersih, cuci guna facial cleanser brand mahal pun takper... lynnda suka guna pure cleansing gel dari nuskin coz dia ada extract betik yg leh jaga kulit kita kekal gebu dan tiada unsur2 AHA mahupun chemicals berbahaya spt hidrokuinon... facial cleanser ni utk hilangkan kesan minyak... pilih jenis gel atau foam
3. dah sudah cuci guna facial cleanser, baru guna facial cleanser yg berasaskan susu atau soya... Lynnda suka guna Cleansing Lotion Nuskin coz ia ada grapeseed yg bekalkan vitamin kat kulit... esp alat mekap ni kan mudah merosakkan sel kulit muka... ala2 nak awet muda ler gitu...
4. amik sekeping kertas tisu, sapu kat muka, kot ada warna2.. maknanya cuci masih lom bersih... sila ulang step diberi dari no 1 tadi...
tadi dah sampai part solekan mata kan? dah kenal highlight dan eyeshadow kan?
di atas tu contoh gambar smokey eyes / smoky eyes
teknik solekan ni sebenarnya trend bermula sebelum mencecah zaman millennium... kat malaysia dia start top dalam 2000 lebih... tapi sebenarnya dah lama pun teknik ni digunakan.. zaman 60's pun dah ada
ramai dok ingat, hanya guna hitam dan hitam dan hitam sahaja utk smokey eyes... salah tu... smokey eyes boleh guna sejuta color yg korang ada... hitam ni byk guna dalam majalah dan majlis sebab ia menonjol dan senang nampak... senang kata... senang nak jual produk gitu... dah kalau letak kaler light light.. cemana orang nak nampak kan?
soooo.... stepnya... yg paling simple
1. siapkan highlight... dah ajar tadi kan?
2. pilih warna : contoh hijau/merah/biru.... gunakan berus/jari..... letak warna yg pertama kat tengah kelopak mata... letak jer warna pertama yg diambil... letak semua kat situ...
3. dah sudah letak barulah spread/sebarkan warna tersebut... cara spread.... bayangkan huruf 'W'... gunakan jari/berus yg ada saki baki warna tadi... tarik dari atas kelopak ikut bentuk 'W' atau '| | |' menuju ke warna pertama yg korang letak kat tengah kelopak.... sapu sampai korang rasa puas dan rata.... nak tau rata ke tak.... masa mekap tu mesti la tak nampak kan coz sendiri mekap muka sendiri... nak senang... tangan sebelah... guna jari...tarik kelopak mata sampai mata sepet macam cina.... then baru ler sapuan akan kemas coz u all akan nampak lokasi mana yg u all kena sapu... cuba dulu....
bagi yg tak tere... cuba elakkan buat wiper.... nanti dah tere, sukati la nak pakai wiper ker hapa ker....
tujuan buat 'W' ni utk ajar cemana nak tengok tone warna... ia akan tebal di kelopak, semakin menipis apabila mencecah highlight...
SMOKEY ada banyak teknik :
1. SMOKEY biasa
2. SMOKEY 2 tone
3. SMOKEY 3 tone
4. SMOKEY pelangi
5. macam2 lagi
nak nampak berhantu, guna smokey warna itam
nak nampak sweet, guna warna light....
dah abih smokey... dah kemas... baru guna mascara dan eyeliner... mascara ni penting... eyeliner pun penting.... kalau comot2.... masa sapu eyeliner tarik mata sampai sepet... baru senang buat.... kalau biarkan terkedip2 mata masa menenyeh , mmg la hancur mekap... jadi lah kerja yg sia sia...
dah sudah SMOKEY Eyes....
Tips memilih warna utk smokey eyes :: Tiada Tips... ehehhehehe.... ecelli, u all kena explore sendiri warna yg sesuai dgn u all... ramai yg takut guna warna pelik2, padahal, warna itu adalah warna diri dia... warna diri Lynnda ialah HIJAU... ni dokter yg bgtau....
dalam kelas Lynnda, memang kena paksa pakai warna yg diorang tak berani nak pakai.. sebabnya, lepas pakai warna tu... barulah diorang tau bahawa warna tu cantik utk diorang... memula tak caya... sekali kauuu...
dah abih smokey... mata nak kasi cantik... eyeliner bawah mata jgn lupa... gunakan pensil coklat yer sayang... pensil hitam... boleh... tu pun kalau u all mmg suka over exposed... coz warna hitam di kelopak bawah akan nampak vogue de vass... bagi yg malu2 kamben.. gunakan warna coklat....
Tips sapuan :: sapu dari ekor mata bawah menuju ke tengah mata.... jgn sapu sampai penuh kalau nak look simple and sweet... yg selebihnya just layang2 macam ada tak ada...
sekian lah tamat utk bahagian mata...
ya ampun.... lynnda pinjam gambar ni...
nanti lynnda stori mori lagi naaaa
apa itu SHADING?
cakap melayunya mem'bayang'kan.. jadikan bayang...
Tips penting utk shading :: simpan warna coklat.. nak jimat, simpan blusher warna coklat coz bekas dia besar
Shading ni tujuan utama adalah utk mem'bentuk'... Shading hanya dibuat di bahagian PIPI, HIDUNG, JAWLINE (Rahang)
Kenapa Shading? Hidung Penyek nak nampak mancung
Kenapa Shading? Pipi tembum nak nampak kempis skett
Kenapa Shading? Double Chin nak kasi hilang skett, Muka bulat nak nampak bujur dan tirus, dagu yg tak cun leh jadi terbelah mcm cik siti
Shading idung.. tengok gambar atas tu... pandai orang ni dia simpan gambar yg terang... sebab kalau simpan gambar yg cair atau dah ready, mmg korang yg tak biasa nengok mmg tak akan nampak
1. Guna jari @ berus lurus @ span lurus (dilarang yg ada bengkok2, kang idung pun patah)
2. Cicah no 1 kat color coklat, tepuk2 sikit kat tangan sebelum letak kat hidung coz kalau terpekat, tak ler payah nak padam
3. Sapu bermula dari lubang hidung tarik ke batang hidung berhampiran kening ... straight jer... pastu kat kening tu kona la ikut kening.. jgn pulak straight ke dahi kang jadi muka bertanduk pulak... akak tak jaminnn...
1. sama spt no 1 di atas tapi jari tak cantik.... plg cantik berus (jenis powder) dan span (jenis cream) saja
2. sapuan terbaik bg yg tak pandai control color ialah, sapu dari anak telinga menghala ke tulang pipi bentuk senget 45 darjah ke bawah... ramai yg suka sapu dari pipi menghala ke dalam telinga... tak salah... tapi bagi yg tak reti control color, menangis2 tengok pipi lebam atau macam clown... sooo.. utk anak murid lynnda mmg kena buat step dalam-keluar terlebih dahulu... esok2 dan tere, sukati la nak sapu cemana gaya pun sbb dah pandai control color
contoh kawasan liputan utk shading pipi
1. paling cantik guna berus...
2. sapu color (jgn amik color banyak kali) dari anak telinga, ikut jawline sampai dagu, then pusing ke dahi.... bayangkan muka tu ada line bulat kat tepi.... jangan amik color selalu... kang tak pasal2 itam pulak.. line bulat sekitar muka leh tengok gambar di bawah
1. guna berus senget atau bucu span
2. sapu dari bawah dagu menghala ke dagu... guna yg runcing.. jgn guna yg lebar... kalau lebar, tak menjadi la keruncingannya
SELAMAT MENCUBA... kalau salah... usaha lagi sampai berjaya
nak cantik, perkataan GIVE-UP tak wujud dalam kamus hidup anda
ps :: gambar2 yg di ambil adalah hasil googling... bukan hakmilik lynnda.. nanti sapa2 nak claim harta intelek dia, jgn segan2 bagtau lynnda yer.... kalau tak diizinkan guna, lynnda most willingly padam..
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Increase Blog Traffic
When I 1st started my blog I had no connections in the blogosphere. The were no "A" list blogger promoting it, no email list to announce it to & no JV partnership in place. In fact not even my Mom knew I started a blog. It was out there all alone. My 1st post received 8 comments and 70+ unique visitors in two days.
Now, I'll admit those numbers didn't set the blog world on fire. But, I was thrilled with the results. Not to shabby for a new blog.
Are you wondering how I was able to get the results from my very first post?
It's pretty simple really. In fact, it's something you or any blogger can copy. But here's the best part - it doesn't even have to be your 1st post. You can use this technique anytime with any post.
All I did was send a trackback to another blog that was already getting a lot of traffic. And because the subject of the my post was relevant to the person's blog; it got his attention. The next day he wrote a quick post telling his readers to go check out my blog.
His post got the attention of another blogger who in turn wrote his own post about my blog. So, one trackback created 2 links back to my blog. Needless to say I was instantly hook on this form of traffic generation.
What are trackbacks and why are they so important to the success of any blog?
A trackback is when you link out to another blog post. But, before you publish you add a link to the blog post in the Trackback section of your edit box. The send trackback form is just below the edit form in your WordPress blog. This blog owner will get a notification of your post, and will be able to read an excerpt of your post.
This is a true win/win situation
The blog will get a notification about your link to them. The blog in question will get a link, helping their search engine ranking. Links play an important role in SEO. Your trackback will be added to the top of their comment section. And the trackback will have a link pointing back to your blog post.
By : Keith Goodrum - The Zero to Hero Blog Guy
Cara Mandi Wajib/Mandi Hadas
Maka saya kira ada baiknya kalau saya kongsikan panduan tersebut dengan pembaca blog ini. Yaaa saya yakin memang majoriti antara kita dah tau dan faham benar tentang kafiat mandi wajib ini, namun saya sekadar mahu mengulangkaji kembali kaedah sebenar mandi wajib.
Berikut ini saya catat dan ringkaskan cara/kaedah sebenar mandi wajib supaya ianya jelas dan lebih mudah difahami.
- Baca Basmalah (Bismillãh hirrahmãn nirrahîm).
- Kemudian membasuh kedua-dua belah tangan.
- Beristinjak – membersihkan kemaluan dan menghilangkan najis (jika ada).
- Mengambil wudhuk (air sembahyang) seperti wudhuk untuk solat.
- Menuangkan air ke atas kepala sebanyak 3 kali sambil berniat ; “Sahaja aku mandi untuk mengangkat janabah (hadas besar) kerana Allah”.
- Menuangkan air ke badan sebelah kanan sebanyak 3 kali, kemudian ke badan sebelah kiri 3 kali. Sunat menggosok bahagian hadapan dan belakang badan dan sunat pula menyilang-nyilang seluruh rambut supaya air sampai ke kulit kepala. (Meratakan air keseluruh badan adalah wajib, manakala perlakuan menyilang-nyilang rambut adalah sunat). Begitu juga wajib menyampaikan air kepada segala pelipatan dan semua bahagian yang ditumbuhi rambut, samada rambut itu jarang atau tebal.
- Memelihara tangan daripada menyentuh kemaluan ketika mandi itu, selepas mengambil wudhuk. Jika tersentuh, maka wajib mengambil wudhuk semula,kerana hal itu membatalkan wudhuk.
Panduan Solat Hajat
Contohnya dalam melaksanakan solat sunat hajat. Dari sekolah rendah ke sekolah menengah hinggalah sekarang, pelbagai versi solat hajat yang aku pelajari daripada mereka yang berpendidikan agama. Lebih-lebih lagi dalam bilangan bacaan, surah yang dibaca, sujud meminta hajat sebelum atau selepas salam.
Ustaz ini kata begini, ustazah itu kata begitu. Bagiku yang bukan dari 'mainstream' agama, satu pun aku katakan tidak betul. Siapalah aku untuk mengatakan ini betul atau itu salah. Silap-silap, Dr Asri memfatwakan aku sesat.
Cuma aku ingin berkongsi kaedah pelaksanaan solat sunat hajat seperti yang tertulis di dalam kitab Al-Qirthaas, Syarah Raatib Qutub Al Anfaas Alhabib Umar Bin Abdurrahman Al-Attas yang ditulis oleh Al'Allaamah Alhabib Ali Bin Hasan Abdullah Bin Husen Bin Umar Al-Attas Baa'alawi Alhadhrami.
Menurut Asy Syaikh Abul Khair Alyamaani Asy Syarji yang telah mengutip dari Muhammad bin Darsituwiyyah, ia telah berkata:" Aku telah melihat pada Kitab Al Imam Asy Syafi'i (rahimahullah) yang ditulisnya sendiri tentang 'Solat Hajat' untuk 1000 (seribu) hajat atau keperluan, yang diajarkan oleh Nabi AlKhidhir kepada sebahagian hamba-hamba Allah iaitu melakukan solat 2 (dua) raka'at sebagai berikut:
Pada raka'at pertama: Membaca Al-Fatihah dan surah Al-Kafirun (10 kali)
Pada raka'at kedua: Membaca Al-Fatihah dan surah Al-Ikhlas (11 kali)
Kemudian sesudah salam, ia sujud kembali sambil membaca selawat ke atas Nabi Muhammad SAW 10 kali disusuli dengan mengucapkan "Subhaanallah Walhamdulillah Walaa Ilaha Illallah Wallahu Akbar Walaa Haula Wala Quwata Illa Billahil A'liyyil A'zim" sebanyak 10 kali. Kemudian disusuli dengan "Rabbana Aatina Fiddunya Hasanah Wafil Aakhirati Hasanah Waqina A'zabannar" sebanyak 10 kali juga. Kemudian mintalah hajat kepada Allah, Insya-Allah akan terkabul.
Alhakim berkata,"Barang siapa yang melaksanakan solat sunat hajat, hendaklah ia mandi pada malam Jumaat dan memakai pakaian yang bersih dan solatlah di waktu sahur dengan niat mohon dipenuhi hajatnya".
Mudah-mudahan dengan adanya sedikit ilmu ini akan menambahkan pengetahuan kita untuk dikongsi bersama umat-umat Islam yang lain.
(Nota: Bacaan ayat Quran dalam bentuk tulisan rumi boleh mengandungi kesilapan. Bacaan yang terbaik adalah dalam bentuk tulisan Arab itu sendiri. Harap maaf sekiranya terdapat kesilapan pada tulisan rumi tersebut)
How To Earn Money Through Blog
Blogs, short for web logs, are often just regarded as online diaries or simply a venue where one can express opinions and thoughts about current events, the news and other happenings. But what many blog readers do not actually realize is that, as internet marketing methods and strategies develop with technology, blogs can actually be a way for blog writers to earn more money! How?
Several online companies are now offering advertising services as part of their long list of internet marketing methods. This means that certain product and company advertisements which are related to your topics can be placed alongside or as banners to your articles. Once you have registered for these advertising services, you can then start earning for as long as readers click on the advertisements on your blog. The rates often vary but all the details will of course be revealed upon your registration to the service.
After you have started a blog, find a way to increase blog traffic or site traffic. This is usually done through search engine optimization or SEO. This means adding articles, certain keywords, videos or photos that will put your blog or your website on top of search engine results.
This means that more and more online users will be able to visit your blog or your website. Consequently, the chances of your online advertisements getting clicked are higher and the chances of you earning more dollars for every single time that these advertisements get traffic is of course higher as well.
Do you want to learn how I build a list and make money online? I've just finished writing a brand new FREE ebook called '7 Steps to Profits and List Building with Article Marketing'.
Download it FREE here: Free Ebook
Monday, May 18, 2009
7 Weight Loss Tips For Kids And Parents
Of course, while many parents are now being advised that they should be putting their kids on a diet should they wish to prevent potential health problems, many parent are at a loss as to just how they should go about doing so.
Stay healthy and set a good example:
Setting an example is without a doubt the single most important thing you can do. Let's face it; if you stock your kitchen cupboards full of sweets, chocolates, chips and soda-pops, you're essentially setting your child up for a disaster. Instead, make sure your kitchen cupboards are rather stocked full of nutritious foods but of course, focus on healthy snacks that kids enjoy eating such as cheese, nuts and a variety of fruits.
Maintain a positive attitude:
For example, rather than telling your child that he or she is overweight and needs to loose weight, you can suggest that as a family, you all need to eat healthy foods. Likewise, rather than always focusing on the foods which need to be avoided, you should make more mention of those which are suitable. In other words, rather than saying you can't eat chips, you could suggest that they help you prepare a nice healthy fruit salad with some yogurt topping. Of course the same also applies with regards to kids fitness: rather than telling them to go and exercise, you could suggest that you both take a walk or go kick a ball around. The secret here is; a positive approach gets a far better response when dealing with kids.
Eating healthy as a family:
Even if only one child is overweight, it's crucial that you don't single them out by insisting that he or she should eat a different meal to the rest of the family. Remember, even if you're not overweight, you will still benefit from a healthy diet. Most important of all; meals should be a family affair and as such, everyone should be encouraged to take part in the preparation of meals, in addition to eating as a family.
Watch the size of those portions:
It's a well known fact that buffet style meals encourage over-eating so essentially, you should try to avoid these as much as possible. Furthermore, make sure that vegetables account for the largest percentage of a meal and always try to ensure that kids wait at least 10 minutes before having a second serving. Even better; try to discourage second helpings altogether.
Start everyday the right way with a healthy breakfast: It's long since been proven that by eating a healthy breakfast; you set yourself up for the entire day. As such, always ensure that you and the kids start your day with a healthy cereal which can be eaten together with low fat milk and/or yogurt. To round the meal off, you can also include some granola bars, whole wheat toast or peanut butter sandwiches.
Fit exercise into the schedule: It's essential that physical activities are seen as being a family affair and as such, you can schedule a half hour walk each evening after meals. In fact, if finances permit, try to enroll the entire family into an activity that the kids can enjoy. Remember, if the kids don't enjoy it, they won't want to do it. If all else fails, simply turn the music up and have a crazy dance party in the house each evening for thirty minutes or so.
Don't give up:
It's crucial that you take into consideration that at times, living a healthy lifestyle can be challenging. However, you need to persevere, no matter what.
4 Secret For Maintaining Natural Beauty
All women can attain natural beauty without embellishing the purse of the cosmetic manufacturers. The cosmetic industry spends billions of dollars on advertising to make women feel like inferior frumps. So that women will buy their stuff. This stuff is no guarantee for beauty.
Yes some people are born with a disfigurement or a serious birthmark over the face - but still nothing in the world can stop a person from smiling. Many times I've been blown away by a person's warm hearted smile, so that everything else has been over looked.
You just need to watch Nick Vujicic on YouTube to know how beautiful a person can be, even without arms and legs!
Modern laser treatment can severely diminish skin blemishes like birthmarks.
These secrets I'm about to reveal are so simple and so natural. What else besides natural stuff is going to maintain that natural beauty we were born with?
1. Diet
What a person eats is what they become. No joke. Choice of food is of utmost importance. Cigarettes, fuzzy drinks, burgers and fries rob the body of beauty. My choice is organically grown fruit and vegetables - eaten raw. Seriously you don't see animals in the wild boiling grass or charring zebras. And don't even try to tell me: "Aah but we are higher on the evolution scale".
Being higher on the evolution scale does not mean we have to destroy essential nutrients in our food by chemical food processes.
Food affects the body right down to a cellular level. The body needs nutrients for the blood, bones, muscles and cells. Everything that is not feeding the body is just dumping junk into it. Inevitably that shows up on the body.
Eating healthy doesn't have to be boring rabbit food - I eat plenty of hot (as in flavor) and delicious meals. Chocolate anyone? Mmm the cacao bean is actually a super food. In fact David Wolf the world's nutritional expert wrote a whole book about chocolate. Eat it raw and unprocessed. There are plenty recipes for delicious chocolate treats. I for one eat it nearly every day.
Changing to a diet of raw food means eating with out guilt! Besides once your body is getting the nutrients it needs the brain stops putting pressure to eat, eat, eat because at long last it is getting what it needs.
2. Cosmetics
Skin is the biggest organ on the body. What we rub onto our skin is absorbed into the body. A lot of cosmetics are derived from the petrol industry. Uughh! Choose cosmetics that are derived from organic plants.
Even better make your own cosmetics - just do a google and you'll find recipes for mixing your own creams, shampoos and toothpaste. A treat for the skin and a saving for the budget!
Bodies that are fed healthily have less need of a deodorant. When a body has a bad odor from the vagina, arm pits or mouth it's a sign that all is not well. Fix up the diet and odor will disappear.
3. Fitness
I'll admit I'm amazingly lazy. But I can touch my toes, do the splits and take a long walk without getting out of breath. Just by the way I'm 46 and still the same size I was way back when.
The body needs movement to make the blood flow. Good circulation gives your eyes a sparkle and your skin clarity. In no way I'm advocating strenuous work outs at the gym. Life has to be fun. Right? Stretching exercises and leisurely walks in the fresh air suffice, provided the body is getting the right diet.
4. Rest
Funnily enough once the body gets the right food it doesn't need so much sleep! Even so, a good rest is essential for maintaining natural beauty.
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Stacy - Gagap
Semalam ku keseorangan
Kau jawab dingin setiap pangilan
Bila ku cuba bermanja
Ku hanya bertepuk sebelah tangan
Katakan mengapa kau tak seperti selalu ?
Ini bukannya masalah ku yang hanya cemburu
Bila ku tanya kau pulang soalan padaku
Owh jawablah….
Saa saa saa sayangku mengapa ?
Jawablah aahh aahh ahh apa yang menganggu ?
Gaa gaa gaa gagapku menjelma
Ku tak perlu , tak perlu
Menyuluh yang sudah terang benderang
Setelah episod itu
Kau sering matikan SMSmu
Telefon bimbitmu sering
Menjadi temanmu di kamar kecil
Katakan mengapa kau tak seperti selalu ?
Ini bukannya masalah ku yang hanya cemburu
Bila ku tanya kau pulang soalan padaku
Owhh… Memang terlebih…
Saa saa saa sayangku mengapa ?
Jawablah aahh aahh ahh apa yang menganggu ?
Gaa gaa gaa gagapku menjelma
Ku tak perlu , tak perlu
Menyuluh yang sudah terang-benderang
Saa saa saa sayangku mengapa ?
Jawablah aahh aahh ahh apa yang menganggu ?
Gaa gaa gaa gagapku menjelma
Ku tak perlu , tak perlu
Menyuluh yang sudah terang-benderang
Katakanlah pada daku
Apa sebenarnya sedang berlaku
Pada dirimu yang kau rahsia dari ku
Mengakulah pada daku
Jika benar syak wasangkaku
Kan ku mulakan hidupku tanpa mu
Seperti yang ku jangkakan
Kau memang terlebih
Namun, ku tak perlu risau kerna
Aku Stacy auuww….
Saa saa saa sayangku mengapa ? (jawab lah)
Jawablah aahh aahh ahh apa yang menganggu ? (menganggu)
Gaa gaa gaa gagapku menjelma
Ku tak perlu , tak perlu (tak perlu)
Menyuluh yang sudah terang-benderang
Jawablah aahh aahh ahh apa yang menganggu ? (yang menganggu..)
Gaa gaa gaa gagapku menjelma
Ku tak perlu , tak perlu menyuluh yang sudah terang-benderang
Sunday, January 4, 2009
Sikit-sikit Lama-lama Jadi Bukit
Sangat MUDAH dan RINGKAS!!
Pendapatan Lumayan!!
RM0.50 setiap kali anda menerima Email
Kerja sambilan dirumah/cybercafe pada masa lapang
Hanya menggunakan Email anda yang sedia ada untuk Menjana Pendapatan
Cuba dan anda akan dapat lihat keberkesanannya!
Ini BUKAN skim cepat kaya, MLM dan sebagainya!
Ini adalah program Pengiklanan
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